Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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5 Things Parents Should Know About Technology Safety for Elementary Students

Parenting comes with its own set of worries, and one of the most persistent concerns is how to protect our children on the internet. You’ve probably already set screen time limits in your home and made it a point to supervise tablet and phone...

3 Ways To Be Prepared for College in High School

I will never forget slowly walking through the halls of the high school in March 2020 with my senior daughter. Thank you to COVID; her senior year ended abruptly. We emptied her locker and quietly exited the building in disbelief. I was in shock and...

4 Reasons Why the Values Your Child Is Taught in Elementary School Matter

As Christian parents, we all strive to teach our children biblical values while they’re young. Whether caring for a hurt friend, showing gratitude for a gift, or humbly admitting mistakes, you know that a child’s earliest teachings can impact them...

Two CCA Seniors Commended in National Merit Scholarship Program

Every year, approximately 1.7 million students across the country take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT). Students who score in the top 3-4% are named Commended Scholars. This commendation looks great to college admission offices and...

Gratitude for the Faithful Service of a Teacher

Teaching is a calling deserving of the highest honor and praise. Should you question this statement, step into a classroom and teach for a day. -Vicki Vaughn

There is no gift to adequately express gratitude for the value of a CCA teacher. CCA...

Let's Get Excited for the School Year!

It's one of my favorite seasons of the year:  Back to School!

Welcome Our New Middle School Principal!

I have heard it said, "It takes a special kind of person to work with middle schoolers!" CCA is blessed to have just this special kind of person join our school community this year. We are excited to welcome our new middle school principal, Travis...

Parent Involvement Helps Keep Students Safe

No parent should have to worry about their child's safety on a school campus.

When we see news coverage of a school shooting, after we get over the shock, our minds often turn to prevention. How can we prevent this from happening??

Why Kindergarten Choice Matters?

Your house is showing signs of foundation problems. There are cracks in the walls, and the doors are not closing correctly. Not exactly the things you want to see when you are a homeowner. Foundation repairs are costly and messy. A strong home...

Why Struggle is a Good Thing for Your Child

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

I love this verse...