Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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Fostering Healthy Digital Habits for Kids

Technology is one of the most difficult challenges inherent in raising children today. In this BaseCamp Livepodcast, Davies Owens and Keith McCurdy discuss how technology impacts mental health and addiction.  

3 Ways to Keep Your Child Emotionally Safe in the Classroom

We understand you probably tucked your child into bed last night and then stopped in to check on them one more time before heading to bed yourself. Their safety and wellbeing were your last thoughts of the day and likely some of your first thoughts...

Why Do We Act Like Everything is Okay, When It Isn't?

A few years ago, I took our dog to the vet. For weeks, he had not been acting quite like himself. I debated whether or not to take him to be seen because I couldn't decide if he was really sick. After the vet examined him, I discovered that he was...

Fun Ways to Keep Kids Moving This Summer

Did you know P.E. classes originally began to train children to be soldiers?

In ancient Greece, Plato offered P.E. classes at his school. Typically seven-year-olds began physical training to prepare for future careers as warriors or athletes. In the...

Finding Beauty in My Brokenness

“I’m having a heart attack!”

I shouted across the parking lot of Stein Mart as I slowly sat down on the hot summer pavement. “Sir, can you help me?” I yelled at a passerby. Luckily, this Good Samaritan stopped to help me inside the store. A few more...

Overcoming Negative Body Image

“You will probably make the team. You are pretty good for a fat girl.”

Talking to Children About Covid-19

If you are a parent or caregiver and wondering if you should talk to your children about the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the answer is YES! 

A Christian Pediatrician's Perspective on Coronavirus

As Esther stood in the palace, she received word that her cousin Mordecai was outside the palace gate in sackcloth and ash. As her concern mounted for her cousin’s well-being, she sent a messenger to find out the source of his anguish. The news was...

SARS CoVID-2 (Coronavirus):The Importance of Social Distancing

Exodus 12:12-13 For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the Lord. The blood shall be a sign...

Stress: Good, Bad, or Both?