Becoming College-Ready

Covenant Christian Academy is as concerned about what your student becomes as what your student learns. As a community of scholars, we expect our students to continue their studies after graduation and are committed to aiding them in the selection of their next academic home.

New call-to-actionCollege selection begins with our Study Skills program in the Middle School.  Students begin to develop scholarly habits, including self-reflection, which translate into an exceptional transcript as they move into High School.

When students enter the ninth grade, they are provided more tools to self-discovery such as a personality profile, career exploration tools, and personalized college advising.  Through group and private sessions using the Scoir College Network and YouScience Ability Battery, a portfolio of interests and preferences is developed which aids in the process of selecting a college.

Parents and students have access to a full time college advisor who, through private guidance sessions, can help each student create a plan for admissions testing, portfolio and resume' construction, and a successful college search.

HanneganShelley Hannegan

Director of College Guidance and Academic Advising 



College Entrance Exams

Covenant 8th & 9th grade students take the PSAT 8/9 in the Fall and the Pre-ACT in the Spring. 10th graders take PSAT/NMSQT in the Fall and the Pre-ACT in the Spring. The 11th graders take the PSAT/NMSQT in the Fall and have the option of taking the school day ACT for a small fee in the Spring. 

Students then take the SAT or the ACT for college admissions at a local testing location for an additional cost.  Register for these tests at the following websites:


College Visits at CCA and in the area:

We invite colleges to visit our campus so students are exposed to an assortment of schools. These visits give a chance to have face-to-face meetings with admissions professionals from schools across the country.

In addition, we take 9th-11th graders on various college visits each Fall. 

Local college fairs have a multitude of schools present and give a chance to explore even more. All of these opportunities will provide important connections and become a part of discovering where God may be leading.

What Is The Outcome of a CCA Education?
Portrait of a Graduate