Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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Summer: A Blessing or Burden?

                           For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Summer is here.    

For parents, the wide-open summer schedule is both a gift and a problem to be solved. Charles Dickens said it best, “It was the best of...

Back to School Excitement: New Beginnings

Our God is a God of new beginnings. God knew we would wander from our callings, get weary, and be disordered, so He gave us seasons for resets and new beginnings. Back to school is one of my favorite reset seasons and a time filled with great...

Make It a Spring Break You Will Treasure

Embrace the Season of Summer for Your Family

This morning I encountered a majestic bald eagle perched on the branch off the shore of a smoky lake.

One of the things I love most about hiking is the unexpected discoveries. Unfortunately, hiking also brings unwanted encounters like washed-out...

Fun Ways to Keep Kids Moving This Summer

Did you know P.E. classes originally began to train children to be soldiers?

In ancient Greece, Plato offered P.E. classes at his school. Typically seven-year-olds began physical training to prepare for future careers as warriors or athletes. In the...

Why You Can Hold Both Grief and Joy in Your Heart This Christmas

Anticipation is a funny thing—one that takes multiple forms: the feeling of riding up a rollercoaster and nearing the top, the moment before you get feedback on a project, or the night before summer hits. Last winter, I felt a different sort of...

Staying Connected During a COVID-19 Christmas

This year has brought so many frustrations, canceled plans, and disappointments. I’ve been disappointed not to be with family members during this holiday season due to concerns regarding exposure to COVID-19.

Have You Heard the Bells on Christmas Day?

Christmas seems to serve as an amplifier. It certainly amplifies our joy, as well it should. We take joy in our friends and families, especially our children, and express it through gifts and traditions and great times together. It amplifies our...

Choosing Gratitude

Every day we have a choice. We choose to be thankful or to complain. What type of person do you want to be?

Summer Thriving:  Let's Learn About Land Art

For as long as I can remember, I have loved art. As a young child, I would draw for hours. I grew up in a somewhat unique environment. My parents were missionaries in a small village in Botswana, Africa. God’s inspiring creation was all around me! I...