Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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The Small School Advantage

I spent most of my young life in a small Christian environment- and I loved it. I knew everyone in the entire high school by name, and I probably knew the names of their parents, pets, and siblings, too. Covenant Christian Academy gifted me with a...

What Does Biblical Integration Look Like?

When it comes to cultivating virtue in the classroom, teachers are often tempted to focus on behavior. We think well-crafted rules or the perfect procedures will motivate students to change. We may even believe our exemplary lessons and continued...

Why Athletics is NOT Extracurricular

Athletics and sports participation in high school play a crucial role in students' holistic development, standing on equal footing with traditional academic classes in terms of importance. This assertion is supported by the multiple benefits offered...

How to Raise Kids Who Won't Walk Away from Christianity

“Barna’s research showed that 61% of 20 somethings were spiritually disengaged that grew up in families that were very faithful….The research found that parents are more likely to raise spiritual champions if they accept the fact that from day...

Honoring Character in High School Students

But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king’s food or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself. And God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the...

Questions Parents Ask About High School

Qualified teachers and administration make a lasting difference in the lives of students, families, and school communities. Covenant Christian Academy is blessed to have Amy Pryor leading as the High School Principal. She is a native Texan with a...

Our Top 5 Most Read Blog Posts of 2023

CCA launched this blog six years ago to equip, educate, and encourage parents. Since the launch, we have published 251 blog posts, which have been viewed over 138,000 times by our audience. A parent recently expressed gratitude for one of the blogs,...

The Christian School Difference

When my husband and I set out many years ago to find a school that would be a good fit for our family, we knew we wanted a school where our kids would get a Christian education and be known by more than just their first name. We loved the fact that...

Best Ways to Afford a Private Christian Elementary School

Is private school really worth the cost?

Studies overwhelmingly show that private school students outperform public school students on the ACT and SAT. There have also been studies that show:
    • graduates from classical Christian schools are more...

3 Ways to Keep Your Child Emotionally Safe in the Classroom

We understand you probably tucked your child into bed last night and then stopped in to check on them one more time before heading to bed yourself. Their safety and wellbeing were your last thoughts of the day and likely some of your first thoughts...