Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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The Biggest Challenge Parents Face Today

The greatest challenge parents face today is the constant competing messages children receive daily through their electronic devices. Protecting your children from sinful and emotionally harmful messages they see and hear is an enormous task. It...

Just a Shot Away: How to Shelter Your Children

Parent: Do you know anything about movies?

Gibbs: Not much. How come?

Parent: Well, my son wants to see this newBatmanmovie and I don’t know how I feel about it.

Gibbs. How old is your son?

Parent: He’s fourteen. The movie is PG-13, and I often...

Encourage Your Child to Shine

Have you ever had one of those moments where you're watching your child do something really well -something you never thought they could do? Or, a time when you knew they would do well, but they knocked your expectation out of the park, all because...

Why Struggle is a Good Thing for Your Child

And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

I love this verse...

How To Really Help Your Kids Grow in Character

Tom Landry, the former legendary coach of the Dallas Cowboys, struggled to find success during the team's first six winless years in the NFL. Coach Landry was known for engineering innovative formations. Yet, a little-known story about Landry...

Helping Teens Remember Their Identity in Christ

What do you consider the greatest challenge among parents and their teenagers/young adults today? Patti Pilkington Reed, author, Conversational Intelligence®️ coach, and business leader affirms it is our inability to get face-to-face with our kids...

Nine Must Have Books to Help Children Cope

Tears. Panic. Difficulty breathing. Refusal to participate.

Childhood anxiety can be hard to understand and even more difficult to comfort.

What All Boy Moms Need to Know

“Love is important, but it is respect that is the key to your son’s heart.” Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

Are You Sharing Too Much About Your Kids Online?

"Our social media networks serve as a parent's modern-day baby book." Stacy Steinberg

On July 21, 2008, I posted my first Facebook picture. Of course, it was a picture of my children. If you do a quick scroll of my social media, you will mostly...

Gentle and Lowly in Heart

In today’s social and political climate, we as Christians have the prime opportunity to model the heart of Jesus to our children, community, and our CCA family.