Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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Grit & Grace: Finding Power in Our Weakness

We chose a Classical, Christian, College Preparatory school for many reasons. We chose the rigor, the challenge, and high expectations for our children. We don’t want the easy road for them; we pray they will choose the road less traveled. The road...

Building a Lasting Faith in Your Child

If you have ever visited a NICU (newborn intensive care unit), you know watching a tiny little human in an incubator is heart-wrenching. The magnitude of the machines and tubes entangling the baby is absolutely unsettling. Yet despite how unnerving...

Summer Thriving

Wide-open….that is what our summer schedule looks like.

For parents, this wide-open schedule is both a gift and an overwhelming problem.

COVID-19 and Digital Safety: 5 Reminders While Your Kids Are Stuck at Home

Reprinted with permission from Protect Young Eyes, a leading digital parent education website. Original post can be found here.

Many kids are going to be “stuck” at home in front of screens a bit more than usual as a result of COVID-19. Here are...

Talking to Children About Covid-19

If you are a parent or caregiver and wondering if you should talk to your children about the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), the answer is YES! 

Stress: Good, Bad, or Both?

Making the Most of Senior Year: A Mom’s Point of View

My job at Covenant has a variety of tasks. One of my favorite tasks is what I call “senior parent coordinator.” Early in the school year I host a senior parent meeting to discuss the details of the year, which include events, expenses, and...

Parents: Be Thankful for the Struggles Your Child will Face this Year

I love riding my bike.

There is something freeing and magical about the wind in my hair and the road stretched out before me. Teaching a child to ride a bike however is not so magical. I remember lots of tears, tantrums, and skinned up knees, but...

Why It's Good for Parents to Require Obedience

Obedience protects.

I tell this to my kids all the time, "Obedience Protects."

To the Parent Who Thinks They are Not Enough

Reprinted with permission from Christian Parenting. Original post can be found here. 

Our oldest got her driver’s license recently and is navigating the roads on her own. It’s fairly gut-wrenching when you spend your whole life trying to keep...