Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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How to Raise Kids Who Won't Walk Away from Christianity

“Barna’s research showed that 61% of 20 somethings were spiritually disengaged that grew up in families that were very faithful….The research found that parents are more likely to raise spiritual champions if they accept the fact that from day...

Fostering Healthy Digital Habits for Kids

Technology is one of the most difficult challenges inherent in raising children today. In this BaseCamp Livepodcast, Davies Owens and Keith McCurdy discuss how technology impacts mental health and addiction.  

Taming Your Inner Mama Bear

Principles for Dealing with Sins Against Your Kids“Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.” (Proverbs 19:11)

While I was out shopping recently, I noticed a woman wearing a shirt stamped with the words “MAMA...

How To Talk With Kids About School Violence

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about the Sandy Hook school shooting. It was close to Christmas and I was sitting in the carpool line waiting to pick up my step-daughter from her elementary school. At the time, those violent events...

What Does Coddling Do to a Child?

According to journalist Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, a combination of good intentions and bad ideas are preparing members of Gen Z (iGen) for intellectual, emotional, and civic failure. Their joint work, The Coddling of the...

5 Things Parents Should Know About Technology Safety for Elementary Students

Parenting comes with its own set of worries, and one of the most persistent concerns is how to protect our children on the internet. You’ve probably already set screen time limits in your home and made it a point to supervise tablet and phone...

3 Ways To Be Prepared for College in High School

I will never forget slowly walking through the halls of the high school in March 2020 with my senior daughter. Thank you to COVID; her senior year ended abruptly. We emptied her locker and quietly exited the building in disbelief. I was in shock and...

To the Parents of 2023 Seniors: Summer Reminders

To the Parents of the Class of 2023,Treasure every moment with your graduate this summer. The college drop-off is coming, and I need you to know that I cried the ugly cry most of the drive home when I dropped my daughters off at college for the...

4 Reasons Why the Values Your Child Is Taught in Elementary School Matter

As Christian parents, we all strive to teach our children biblical values while they’re young. Whether caring for a hurt friend, showing gratitude for a gift, or humbly admitting mistakes, you know that a child’s earliest teachings can impact them...

MomEO: Helping Moms Find Purpose in Motherhood

We have less than two weeks until SUMMER, but who’s counting?! Probably most of us, actually… you may feel excited and think, “Oh, I can’t wait!” or maybe you’re feeling anxious and unprepared just thinking about it. Or maybe both?