Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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How To Talk With Kids About School Violence

I remember exactly where I was when I first heard about the Sandy Hook school shooting. It was close to Christmas and I was sitting in the carpool line waiting to pick up my step-daughter from her elementary school. At the time, those violent events...

Our Top 5 Most Read Blog Posts of 2023

CCA launched this blog six years ago to equip, educate, and encourage parents. Since the launch, we have published 251 blog posts, which have been viewed over 138,000 times by our audience. A parent recently expressed gratitude for one of the blogs,...

The Christian School Difference

When my husband and I set out many years ago to find a school that would be a good fit for our family, we knew we wanted a school where our kids would get a Christian education and be known by more than just their first name. We loved the fact that...

The Life Changing Impact of a Coach

A coach will influence more people in one year than most people in their entire lifetime.  

High school athletic coaches especially can have a life-changing impact on athletes by shaping their character and values. Their influence goes beyond...

Best Ways to Afford a Private Christian Elementary School

Is private school really worth the cost?

Studies overwhelmingly show that private school students outperform public school students on the ACT and SAT. There have also been studies that show:
    • graduates from classical Christian schools are more...

3 Ways to Keep Your Child Emotionally Safe in the Classroom

We understand you probably tucked your child into bed last night and then stopped in to check on them one more time before heading to bed yourself. Their safety and wellbeing were your last thoughts of the day and likely some of your first thoughts...

Back to School Excitement: New Beginnings

Our God is a God of new beginnings. God knew we would wander from our callings, get weary, and be disordered, so He gave us seasons for resets and new beginnings. Back to school is one of my favorite reset seasons and a time filled with great...

What Does Coddling Do to a Child?

According to journalist Greg Lukianoff and social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, a combination of good intentions and bad ideas are preparing members of Gen Z (iGen) for intellectual, emotional, and civic failure. Their joint work, The Coddling of the...

Switching to a Private Elementary School? Answering Your Burning Questions

"We experienced a big difference going from public school to CCA. I have teared up at so many events this year because I was just so overwhelmed with the goodness of God." Jen Rosene – A CCA Parent

Are you considering switching your child from...

5 Things Parents Should Know About Technology Safety for Elementary Students

Parenting comes with its own set of worries, and one of the most persistent concerns is how to protect our children on the internet. You’ve probably already set screen time limits in your home and made it a point to supervise tablet and phone...