Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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How a School Mitigated the Impact of COVID for Families

The greatness of community is most accurately measured by the compassionate action of its members. Coretta Scott King

In March of 2020, my daughter and I somberly walked the halls of her high school. The silence was deafening. Normally these halls...

Getting Involved in Your Child's School

When you hear the word labor, you may think of your place of work, the holiday, or perhaps the process of giving birth. And scarcely can a woman hear the word labor and not think of pain! The process of physically birthing a baby is a painful one,...

Finding a School Community that Cares

I’ve heard it said that if we can’t trust God with our pain, we will hate Him for it.

What CCA Means to the Tuttle Family

One word: Community.

Cultivating a Culture of Gratitude

Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up. Instead of simply bombarding you with links to give and help, I want to challenge and inspire our community to cultivate a culture of gratitude. As a CCA Mom and volunteer, I see firsthand that we’re already...

The One Behind the Mask

“God himself will milk the cows through him whose vocation that is.” Martin Luther

Dad wore the same Halloween costume every year. It was simple and impossibly frugal: an old robe and a government-issued gas mask from his military readiness bag....

The Sisterhood in Motherhood

I never had a sister growing up. I remember wanting one and wondering what it would be like having one.

Caring Well in a Community

How many times have you opened your email only to find a prayer request for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, someone who has lost a family member, or someone who is facing a crisis of some kind? As believers, we can lean on our faith in...

Remembering God's Faithfulness

I hit the single key on the keyboard and simultaneously felt my stomach drop to my feet. It was the fall of 2008, I was a senior filling out college applications and had just typed “0” in response to the question asking for my family’s annual...

God's Faithfulness on Display in a High School Play

Go to any play or musical, and 9 times out of 10, you will see within the first few pages of the playbill an article entitled “Director’s Note.” This is where the director outlines their vision for the play, highlights any specific artistic epiphany...