I never had a sister growing up. I remember wanting one and wondering what it would be like having one.
Now, here I am, forty years old, and can tell you what it means to have a sister because they literally surround me. I have formed deep relationships with other moms at my children's school, Covenant Christian Academy. These moms are truly my sisters in Christ. We mentor and encourage one another in the good and bad times.
My sisters in Christ prepare me for what is to come. My oldest child is now in seventh grade. Entering 7th grade has been a year of tremendous change for our family with the addition of athletics, increased homework, and greater responsibility. I wasn’t blindsided by these changes. As I walked alongside moms with older children, I learned about the next stages in my daughter’s life- academically, socially, and emotionally. All through the years, I have been able to look forward to building a Medieval castle, racing life-size boats made of cardboard, and adopting a bunny (thanks Mrs. Brabon). Now, I can, in turn, encourage my sisters with younger children than mine in the trials of preschool motherhood.
My sisters in Christ stand with me during tough times. My mom was diagnosed with cancer in January and died at the beginning of May. I was never alone in my suffering. My sisters in Christ surrounded me and prayed fervently for my family. In fact, they prayed specifically that my mom would not suffer and that she would not be afraid of death. My mom didn’t suffer for months in bed, as so many people do. The night before she died, she kept saying "joy, joy, joy" with hands raised toward heaven. God was faithful to answer everything my precious sisters prayed. After her death, my sisters surrounded me with meals, love, hugs, listening ears, and cards.
My sisters in Christ celebrate with me during the good times. It is such a blessing to have a mom friend who is just as joyful as you when your child makes it a week without getting a mark, passes the Latin test, delivers their speech without tears, or finally has a friend to sit with at lunch. I am so grateful to have other moms around me to celebrate the little things.
Because of my friendships with other moms at CCA, I can tell you with confidence what it means to have a sister.
Here's a shout out to all my sisters in Christ! Thank you for walking through this path of life with me, encouraging and strengthening me.
If you are interested in making friends with other CCA moms, here are some tips, and you are welcome to join us for Moms in Prayer on Tuesday mornings. We are saving a seat for you.