Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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Joy Hale

Joy has a passion for Jesus, family ministry, and coffee! She is the Director of Community Care at Covenant Christian Academy in Colleyville, TX. She is wife to Charlie and mother to Bailee, Ellie, Charles, and Gabe. She holds a Bachelor of Business from the University of North Texas and a Master of Arts in Christian Education from Dallas Baptist University.

Recent Posts

Back to School Excitement: New Beginnings

Our God is a God of new beginnings. God knew we would wander from our callings, get weary, and be disordered, so He gave us seasons for resets and new beginnings. Back to school is one of my favorite reset seasons and a time filled with great...

Switching to a Private Elementary School? Answering Your Burning Questions

"We experienced a big difference going from public school to CCA. I have teared up at so many events this year because I was just so overwhelmed with the goodness of God." Jen Rosene – A CCA Parent

Are you considering switching your child from...

5 Things Parents Should Know About Technology Safety for Elementary Students

Parenting comes with its own set of worries, and one of the most persistent concerns is how to protect our children on the internet. You’ve probably already set screen time limits in your home and made it a point to supervise tablet and phone...

3 Ways To Be Prepared for College in High School

I will never forget slowly walking through the halls of the high school in March 2020 with my senior daughter. Thank you to COVID; her senior year ended abruptly. We emptied her locker and quietly exited the building in disbelief. I was in shock and...

To the Parents of 2023 Seniors: Summer Reminders

To the Parents of the Class of 2023,Treasure every moment with your graduate this summer. The college drop-off is coming, and I need you to know that I cried the ugly cry most of the drive home when I dropped my daughters off at college for the...

4 Reasons Why the Values Your Child Is Taught in Elementary School Matter

As Christian parents, we all strive to teach our children biblical values while they’re young. Whether caring for a hurt friend, showing gratitude for a gift, or humbly admitting mistakes, you know that a child’s earliest teachings can impact them...

Make It a Spring Break You Will Treasure

Two CCA Seniors Commended in National Merit Scholarship Program

Every year, approximately 1.7 million students across the country take the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT). Students who score in the top 3-4% are named Commended Scholars. This commendation looks great to college admission offices and...

Gratitude for the Faithful Service of a Teacher

Teaching is a calling deserving of the highest honor and praise. Should you question this statement, step into a classroom and teach for a day. -Vicki Vaughn

There is no gift to adequately express gratitude for the value of a CCA teacher. CCA...

What Happens When Students Feel a Sense of Belonging at School

"Welcoming" is not the word I would use to describe most high schools. High school can be a harsh place for teenagers trying to figure out who they want to be in the world. If we learned anything from the movie Breakfast Club, it is every student,...