Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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Embrace BigYear2020 and Rejoice in God’s Sovereignty

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

Proverbs 27:1

At the end of 2019, we got a new Wi-Fi router. My dad had to choose a new password. He chose BigYear2020. Don’t worry; we’ve already changed it! It was simple and...

Make Worship Part of Everyday Life

One of the things I miss the most about church before COVID is corporate worship. Even while wearing masks, our students are able to worship together at school, but being unable to participate in shared worship at church has saddened my soul. I am...

Two Things to Remember in 2020

After I adopted my sons, I was supposed to be done with adoption ministry. When God dropped more children on my doorstep, I was supposed to be their mom forever. When my friend got sick, she was supposed to get better. God was supposed to remove the...

Live for Today

Phil Bassett delivered this devotion to his students last week.  It is a timely word of truth for students and parents.   

What Does It Mean for Families to Take the Sabbath Seriously?

In the state of Texas, a person who “intentionally or knowingly causes the death of an individual” is subject to the death penalty.  The state of Texas takes murder seriously. In 2019, nine people suffered the fate of the death penalty. 

In Exodus,...

In God We Trust

In 2012, God led my family to leave our home.

We left Michigan, our home, family, friends, and moved to the very different land of Texas.

Battling a Pandemic: Wisdom from a Hobbit

In J.R.R. Tolkien's classic, The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is a character who loves peace, quiet, and comfort. He plans his days around the meals he will have and the friends he will see. He hates the unexpected. But somehow one day, the wizard,...

Choosing Faith Over Fear

Do you know that the Bible says FEAR NOT ninety-five times?

People were told not to fear when angels showed up in their full glory right before their faces. People were told not to fear when they were persecuted for their faith. People were told by...

Lessons in Football and Faith

I jokingly (not jokingly) say "when I grow up, I want to be a 19-year-old defensive end, ideally starting for my beloved Texas Aggies." I’m a 42-year-old wife and working mom, so this is a ridiculous ambition! But a girl can dream, right?!

Why You Should Take Your Kids to Church

If your childhood was anything like mine, you probably have memories of piling into the family vehicle ( likely a Station Wagon) wearing your nicest ironed apparel. The aroma of hairspray and peppermint permeate the car as the family heads to Sunday...