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Phil Bassett

Phil Bassett teaches humanities in the Rhetoric School at Covenant Christian Academy. He has a deep love for classical education and great affection for the Medieval poet, Dante Alighieri. He is married to Christine, and together they have four children: Naomi (2nd), Leif (K), Penelope (3), and Edmund (1).

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Live for Today

Phil Bassett delivered this devotion to his students last week.  It is a timely word of truth for students and parents.   

A Letter to My Students in Exile

18 March 2020

To my beloved students in exile:


What 10th Graders Want God to Do for Them: The Surprising Answers

The first day of a new school year, more than any other day after it, always brings the most unique feeling. A lot of energy combined with a little bit of fear. Everything feels different, and that’s exciting but uncertain. Students’ emotions turn...

What Jury Duty Taught Me About Classical Education

I was recently summoned to jury duty, and ended up serving on a trial in a criminal court all week. I was so frustrated at being chosen, because they warned us during voir dire that the case could take all week. Unfortunately, teaching was not a...