Covenant Christian Academy Blog

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An Interview with a Logic School Head

A day in the life of a middle school student is filled with energy, awkwardness, failure, success, and lots of noise, chaos, and emotion. Leading children in these preteen years can be challenging, but also the most rewarding job at a school. So...

An Interview with a Pre-Grammar and Grammar School Head

Myrandi Ballesteros, CCA’s Pre-Grammar and Grammar School Head, has loved teaching children from her youngest years. She was raised in a Christian home by loving parents. Her father was a southern Baptist minister, so the church was like a second...

An Interview with the New Headmaster

Only 4% of boy scouts earn the rank of Eagle Scout. Eagle Scouts are servant-minded leaders with the character and commitment to stay the course.  

CCA is honored to welcome our own Eagle Scout, Dr. Tony Jeffrey, our new headmaster. His life...

Things We Have Learned From COVID19

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Taking A Tree Walk

***This blog was written before we implemented distance learning.  There are not adequate words to describe how much teachers are missing their students. They cannot wait until the time when they can return to campus for tree walks and distance free...

Battling a Pandemic: Wisdom from a Hobbit

In J.R.R. Tolkien's classic, The Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins is a character who loves peace, quiet, and comfort. He plans his days around the meals he will have and the friends he will see. He hates the unexpected. But somehow one day, the wizard,...

A Hope That Does Not Dissappoint

From the time our lives turned upside down a few weeks ago, we have all engaged in the hope that things will turn out all right, that our lives will return to normal, and that we will survive the disruptions.

The Real Reason Teachers Choose to Teach

My daughter recently asked a room full of women if they remembered what they had for lunch yesterday.  A few hands were raised.  Then she asked if anyone remembered the name of a teacher who made a difference in their life.  Almost every hand went up.  

Surviving The Pandemic At Home with Kids: 5 Tips To Avoid Chaos

Parents - We did it! We officially finished our first week of distance learning with our children. In my house, some things went beautifully, but others were epic fails. It was a roller coaster of happy, sad, success, and failure.

A Letter to My Students in Exile

18 March 2020

To my beloved students in exile:
