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Lisa Schreiber

Lisa Schreiber is an Early Childhood Educator who studied at Hardin-Simmons University and Texas Wesleyan University. Through her 33-year career as a teacher, she currently finds fulfillment as a kindergarten teacher at Covenant Christian Academy. Lisa is grateful for the gift of her husband Kevin and the honor to be mom for her amazing adult children. Beyond the classroom, Lisa desires to minister encouragement in life's journey for God's glory.

Recent Posts

Growing in a Classical Christian Kindergarten

Did you know CCA’s first harvest of apples occurred this year in the garden? After several years of tending, caring and watching…Apples! And every kindergartener will say, “They were tasty!” Now we watch the blossoms fade with the hope of new apples...

Inscribing Scripture on Your Child’s Heart

Sawdust covered almost everything in His dad’s carpenter shop. Did He scribble in the shavings the Hebrew words from His rabbi’s lesson… “In the beginning, God created”? When walking outside, did He use an olive branch to etch on the path… “And God...

Books to Help Children with Grief and Loss

Trusting God to Fill in the Gaps

The planks arrived and it was a fixer-upper day! The bedroom was getting a new floor! As we installed each plank and increased every row- the excitement grew. My husband and I methodically shifted furniture onto the newly floored half of the room...