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Jessica Owens

Jessica Owens was born and raised in West Virginia where, for her, 'the hills are alive with the sound of music.’ After completing dual degrees in Music Education and Vocal Performance from WVU, she moved to TX to pursue her masters degree. Little did she know at the time that God was pursuing her and changing the direction of her life. She currently serves as the Director of Fine Arts and the spring musical. In addition, she gets to spend her afternoons opening up the world of music and film to her Logic School students. She has been married to Jeff for nearly 30 years and she has two boys, all of whom are the light of her life.

Recent Posts

What Are You Trusting God For?

Almost one year ago, the world came to an abrupt halt. Shelter in place? Air droplets? What’s a Zoom, and how does that work? If you know me at all, you know I’m a planner. I like to know what’s coming so I can prepare for it. Organization and order...

In a World Where Anything Goes

In a world where Anything Goes…

In just a few weeks, months of preparation and hard work will come to life on the CCA stage with our production of Cole Porter’s Anything Goes. When it premiered in 1934, our country had fallen on hard times, and we...

Les Misérables: God's Redeeming Love

It was London, 1995.

Music Lessons 101: A Parent's Guide to Private Lessons

When should my child begin music lessons?

There is no shortage of research proving music instruction is vitally important in the development of the whole child, but many parents wonder when a child should begin taking lessons and what kind of...