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The Real Benefit of Students Participating in Theater 

Posted by Jessica Owens and Joy Hale on Mar 29, 2018 9:30:00 AM


the benefit of theater participation for students

Every spring our school produces a Broadway musical.  It’s a wonderful time of celebrating the talents of our students both on and off the stage, and it’s a beautiful picture of the body of Christ, one in which each person involved in the show has a unique task to perform which makes the show work and makes it enjoyable to watch.  The singers, the costumers, the make-up artists, the actors, the spot light operators, and the backstage crew all work together.  Their efforts are woven together to create the show the audience will see, and all these elements become a striking tapestry of storytelling.

There is also a spiritual aspect to every production that the audience never sees.  This is the back of the tapestry.  These are the places in a show where God knits together the threads of our lives as we walk through a piece of Art together.  In addition to all the technical pieces of a show, God is always at work in the hearts of His people.  For each show we produce, God appoints a specific cast, a specific crew, at a specific time, to work together on a specific piece of Art.  The combination of all of those elements will never happen again in the history of the world, and so each show is very special, and God does a different work each time. 

The audience never sees the back of the tapestry, they only see the front, the finished product.  But God sees, because He orchestrates it all, and sometimes what happens behind the scenes is even more beautiful than the show the audience gets to experience.  Being and working in a place where God is changing you, and where you walk spiritual paths with fellow believers is priceless.  These are the spiritual threads that bind us together for a lifetime.


why your child needs to take part in theater

If you have never been involved in a theater production, it might be difficult to understand. It is not about one student getting accolades for delivering the star solo.  Theater participation cultivates vital life lessons and skills for everyone on stage and behind the curtain. These skills benefit a student no matter what field they choose to pursue later in life.  I highly recommend all students participate in a theater production at some point in their school career for the following reasons:

  • Creates a sense of belonging and purpose: In our current social media world, teenagers often feel disconnected and lonelier than ever before.   Your child will make lifelong connections with their fellow cast and crew members.

life long benefits of theater
  • Problem-solving opportunities abound:  When something goes wrong, students have to figure out how to solve the problem on the fly in front of a live audience, set pieces might break or don’t function properly, and missed lines require ad lib skills.  Problem-solving under pressure is a great skill to have in any industry.
  • Learning to deal with disappointment: The reality is students don’t always get cast for every show or don’t get the part they want.  Their ability to find a way to participate in the show despite a disappointment is an important life skill.  Life does not always go as planned.
benefits of student taking part in theater
  • Build self-confidence:  Whether from the front of the stage or being proud of set painting from behind the scenes, theater experiences are important in building self-confidence.
  • Develops self discipline and perseverance: They learn to do hard things even when they are tired, scared, or just plain apathetic.  They learn they have to show up and be there for their cast and crewmates no matter what. 

A theater production is actually a beautiful picture of the body of Christ, each working together in their unique gifting for a common goal.  From set construction to concessions, everyone has a role vital in the overall success of the show.  It is remarkable to watch high school students play out leadership roles not only as leading actors, but also as costume and stage managers.  If any piece of the production were missing, the show would not be the same.  

student skills gained from musical theater

In the end God takes a big jumbled knot of threads and imperfections and weaves it into an impactful piece of art.

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Topics: Fine Arts