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Memorable CCA Moments of the Last Decade

Posted by Joy Hale on Jan 24, 2020 9:30:00 AM

school spirit

Reminiscent of traditional British schools, all Covenant Christian Academy students' are divided into houses when they enter Rhetoric School in 9th grade. The four houses are Aequitas (Justice), Fidelitas (Faithfulness), Integritas (Integrity) and Veritas (Truth). The houses help to build close relationships across the four grades and create healthy competition between the students. The houses compete during Winter Homecoming Week with wall murals and other competitive games.  This year the wall mural teams were given the challenge of documenting key events of the last decade. 

The 2020 Homecoming Walls showed an amazing amount of creativity and artistic ability. 

homecoming creativity

homecoming wall competition

house system competition games

homecoming school spirit

Congratulations to the  Aequitas House for winning 1st place in the wall design competition!  Here is the timeline of the most memorable CCA moments of the last decade written by the Aequitas students.

2010: Jireh Hall is opened for learning.  This building houses grades Pre-K3 through 4th grade, as well as many other classes such as Theater, Video Production, Yearbook, and Strings.

2011:  The House System is implemented.  This system allows students from different grades, sports, and interests to become friends with others they might not otherwise get to know.

powederpuff games

2012: Powderpuff games begin.  This fun tradition of boys cheering on the football playing girls is now one of the favorite events of the year.

2013:  Coach Sierra joins the faculty.  This beloved soccer coach and Bible teacher touches the hearts of everyone she meets.  Alumni and current students alike feel her love and passion for all she does.

2014:  The boys' soccer team wins a State championship. Coaches Nipper and Bassett led this team of young men to victory!

7th grade play

2015: The 2020 seniors performed in their 7th grade plays, The Emperor's New Clothes and The Very Unmerry Adventures of Robin Hood. These iconic plays were arguably the best plays put on the Jireh Stage.

2016:  The Nissi building is expanded.  This expansion included a second story, more classroom space, and a new locker hall.  This addition of space is such a blessing to our Logic School.

2017: The football team wins the State championship. Coach Rick Jackson led these hardworking young men to victory after a very successful season.

2018:  A helicopter flies over our new football field.  The day before the field was to host its first football game, a helicopter flew over the muddy field in an attempt to dry out the mud.  It didn't work  to dry out the field, and the boys  were covered in mud by the end of the game the next day.

2019:  Aequitas wins House of the Year for the 2018-19 school year.  All their hard work paid off!

Thanks to all the students who worked on the Winter Homecoming Walls. It was fun to see your most memorable moments from the last decade.  

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