This school year, I have four children at CCA ranging in age from Kindergarten to 7th grade. We started at CCA when my oldest was only four years old. I am a stay-at-home mom, and times were not all smooth sailing, especially when I had three boys under 5. I was anticipating the “far off day” when ALL of my kids would be in school at CCA. Oh, I was going to live it up! I would have brunch and not have to cut up anyone’s food. I was going to get to go to long Bible studies. I would go on long walks in peace and quiet and run errands quickly and efficiently. In hindsight, I was looking for a certain kind of freedom to “find myself again” (apart from the laundry, dishes, and diapers).
In Luke 9:25 – The Message version – it says, “Self–sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self.” God would soon remind me of the truth that self-sacrifice is how you truly find yourself.
When Dr. Jeffrey came to CCA, he quickly noticed there was no PTA, and he directly tasked Sarah Startti with launching a parent organization. After much prayer, Sarah believed I was the person called to lead this new parent organization. She approached me two different times about leading. Was she sure? I have four kids and have been waiting for the freedom to find my way!!! And this sounds like a lot of work! Also, I don’t know enough about CCA! I barely have a middle schooler. I don’t know anything about the high school. I had a lot of legitimate reasons not to answer the call, but they were all excuses. At the end of the day, God really was calling me to take on this task.
Christine Caine says, “Whatever your calling might be – launching a business, going back to school, starting an outreach, beginning volunteering… we rarely feel ready when God first calls us. Stepping out in faith is almost always overwhelming, But – when God calls you, He goes with you. And He prepares you along the way. “
God indeed went with me. He gave me creative ideas that came straight from Him. He supplied the people to come alongside and support me. He multiplied my time and efficiency (I developed this ability to work at a super speed pace). Finally, he blessed my efforts and communication skills.
When we die to ourselves and step into the calling He has for us in each season of life, He goes before us and works through us to accomplish His purpose, and a part of His purpose is to cause CCA to flourish! And getting to work with all of the CCA faculty, staff, and parents brought me more joy than any brunch or errands could ever bring!
Through starting Parent Council, I was reminded of some of the gifts God had given me that maybe had just been set aside for a season. But, most of all, I was reminded that walking in God’s calling and dying to myself is the way of Jesus, and when I walk in His ways, I become more like Him and genuinely free indeed.
So I dropped my youngest off at CCA for her first day of school and headed to a day of meetings to make Parent Council a reality!
Come and join me in serving our school together! Be looking for your 2023-24 Parent Volunteer Survey and pray about where God would have you step in to serve so you can use your gifts and talents to help CCA continue to be a blessing in God’s kingdom.