Trey Martinez

Facilities Director


I grew up in Keller, Texas. I currently live in Springtown, Texas. I'm married to Amy Martinez. I have a son & daughter: Mason Martinez & Molly Martinez. I also have 2 fur babies (Boxer dogs): Maggie & Mosby. I attended UNT until 9/11 and then joined the US Army. I was assigned to 75th Ranger Regiment, Special Operations. As a Gun Team Leader, I fought in 2 different wars and completed four combat tours. After the military, I worked for a private company named Blackwater and racked up another 23 diplomatic security tours for the Department of State. After traveling the world for 15 years, I settled down here at Covenant Christian. I'm enjoying the quiet life now.

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Army Ranger & Baseball Coach

Why do you choose to work at CCA? I wanted to work for a Christian organization.

What is one fun fact about you? When I'm uncomfortable, I crack jokes.

What is your favorite book of all time? Charlie Rangers at War by Darrell Gibson - It was interesting to read about how Vietnam Rangers operated.

What is one thing that can instantly make your day better? When your boss says, "You have tomorrow off."

What do you like to do for fun? Physical fitness and horse around with my dogs (Boxers)

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