The Most Important Questions to Ask about Private School

We’re all familiar with FAQ’s ( Frequently Asked Questions) on websites or instruction pages, but when it comes to deciding where your children should attend school, let me submit a few SAQ’s (Seldom Asked Questions) for you to ponder.
I joined the staff at Covenant Christian Academy in Admissions after our last child graduated in 2004. Over the years I’ve fielded thousands of questions about CCA from prospective families and generally the most often asked questions pertain to academics, athletics, or finances. While all of these topics are assuredly a very important part of the decision making process, as Christians, however, our primary role in raising up our children is to lead them to become vibrant and committed followers of Christ. So it seems natural some of the most relevant questions would involve the school’s partnership with parents, as together we seek to impart godly wisdom to the next generation.
Some of the most important questions to ask about private school are:
How well are your teachers and coaches equipped to teach biblical truth and are they all seasoned, born again believers? What is the vetting process to determine that their Christian walk is authentic and passionate?
At Covenant the process to select faculty is careful and deliberate because we know the influence they have over the young minds God has entrusted to us. They go through multiple interviews with different administrative staff. They submit lengthy applications that delve deeply into their personal testimonies and walk. We require personal and professional references. We pray diligently for the discernment of the Holy Spirit to show us their hearts. Once hired, they go through training and many hours are spent in observation and evaluation.

Does the school offer a like-minded community of faith or are unbelievers/families of other religions also admitted? Certainly there is a biblical mandate for Christian’s to reach out to unbelievers, but when it comes to who your kids are going to spend the vast percentage of their waking hours with, doesn’t it make sense for them to be surrounded by children of families who share your values and convictions?
Our school partners only with Christian families. When we were established in 1979, the founding pastor felt the strong conviction of the Lord to provide a biblically based school that would ”covenant” with parents to come along side them and help in the spiritual equipping of their children. Hence, the name Covenant is descriptive of what we do…we enter into a sacred covenantal relationship with each family that allows the teachers and coaches to be an extension of their Christian home, reinforcing every single day those values and qualities believers hold dear.
How do you help prepare your graduates to enter the very dark and hedonistic world of college so their faith is deeply rooted and able to withstand the overwhelming onslaught of temptation they will face?
The classical education we provide at CCA seeks to equip our students with wisdom and eloquence through a love of learning that is inspired by a distinctly Christian worldview which connects all disciplines together. Because the truths of scripture are woven into all subjects and activities (such as athletics and fine arts), children grow up understanding everything they do and learn is under the authority of God’s word. Students are encouraged to engage in deep and meaningful discussions and wrestle together to find the truth in difficult topics and situations they will likely face. So the pull of the world doesn’t come as a shock to them since they have already addressed these issues and developed a strong defense through their understanding of scripture and its power to overcome.
Ultimately, after you have visited all the campuses on your list, the very best question to ask is:
“Oh Lord, which school is best suited to help our child reach their full potential?
Then wait to hear the still small voice of His response. After all, He’s a better Admissions Director than any of the most seasoned among us. And He always leads us down the path that will bring Him the most glory.