Blog | Covenant Christian Academy in Colleyville, TX

For All the Parents Whose Child Won't Get An Award

Written by Joy Hale | Apr 24, 2019 2:50:00 PM

It’s that time of year again. Award ceremony time.

Our school is very competitive, and it seems everybody is on the honor roll. The width of the stage cannot even contain the line of high academic performers. I admit I have been the proud parent posting pictures on social media of my child with a stack of awards.

But what about those students who sit through the awards every year, and their name is never called?

What about the student who studies diligently to barely get a passing grade?

What about the student who struggles with focus and feels like he never measures up?

This time of year can be challenging for a child who has tried their best and never receives recognition. Don’t get me wrong. I am not the type of parent who believes everyone should get a trophy. They shouldn’t. There is value in recognizing achievement. I realize some of the students whose name isn’t called didn’t do the work required. They aren’t motivated by making the grade. I also recognize the student who did get the award and rejoice with them. Doing your work unto the Lord with excellence is a worthy endeavor

This word is for the students who did their best, but still fell short of being recognized.

If I could speak to these students, I would say I see you. I would look you in the eye and say-remember your worth is not measured by awards.

Beware of comparing yourself to others. God made you uniquely you for a reason. The character you are building in this journey goes deep. It will carry you farther than the book smarts that seem to come so easy to your peers.

Most awards don’t have a long term effect on anyone’s life. I am sure I received academic awards growing up, but I honestly can’t remember the details. I encourage you for the grit and discipline it took to make it through. I rejoice with you for a job well done.

If I could speak to every parent whose child’s name is not called, I would say I see you too.

I would look you in the eye and say I know you did your best.

It’s okay you didn’t always know the answer to the math problem or sign the planner every single night. God picked you to be the parent of your child because He gave you the gifts and the personality to guide your child in the right way for them. Celebrate the uniqueness of your child. Pick them up from the award ceremony and take them for ice cream to celebrate. Rejoice in all the victories this year.

At the end of it all, remember our identity is in Christ. He completed the work on the cross. He is deserving of our highest honor and recognition. 

Therefore God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name that is above every name.  Philippians 2:9