Blog | Covenant Christian Academy in Colleyville, TX

What Teachers Really Want for Christmas

Written by Joy Hale | Nov 23, 2018 2:00:00 PM

There are many things I love about Christmas....Jesus, making memories with friends and family, beautiful decor, and melodious music. There is one thing I do not like about Christmas....buying gifts just so I can just check things off my list.

I really want my gift to be a blessing to the person and trying to find the perfect gift for the 800 people on my Christmas list is just not practical. I intensely dislike the idea of my gift being put in the donation box when the New Year rolls around or even worse the trash. Don't try to deny this happens. I do it. You do it. We all do it. What a waste.

This reality is never more apparent to me than when I am shopping for teacher gifts. I love teachers. They sacrificially love my children and partner with me in raising them. They put up with all their shenanigans eight hours a day for 5 days a week. I want teachers to feel blessed! So I thought I would help us all this year and poll a few teachers regarding their all-time favorite Christmas gifts.

Here is the top 5 things teachers told me they really want for Christmas:

1. GIFT CARDS. Overwhelmingly every teacher I polled had gift cards on their list. They listed Target, Walmart, Ivy School Uniforms, Mardel's, Starbucks Gift, Amazon, restaurants, and or major department stores. You have permission to buy gift cards this year. You're welcome!

I know many people think that they aren’t appreciated or desired because of the somewhat unfeeling nature of them, but realistically speaking they are the BEST. Nothing says “I love you” to a working mom like “You don’t have to make dinner!”-A Grateful Teacher

2. WORDS. A heartfelt card written from the student is so meaningful. Also, things the students make for teachers ranked high on their list of favorites.

Handmade cards and mementos really get me. I still have every single one and when I look at them, I remember the kiddo that gave them to me and I LOVE that feeling. -A Blessed Teacher

3. ANYTHING PERSONALIZED. Personalization makes gifts even more special (cups, bags, signs, school gear, college gear).  Apparently, teachers love personalization. You have to think ahead, but you can do it.  Teachers are worth it!

4. USEFUL GIFTS. Anything a teacher uses in the classroom (thank you cards, decorative file folders, cool clipboards, brown baskets for organizing classroom items, stamps, stickers, or gel pens or cool pens for grading). Practical gifts are the best.  Give them something they will really use this year.

5. CLASSROOM RELATED GIFTS. Gifts relating to classroom lesson plans, themes, or curriculum content (gifts representing historical periods or novels).

There is not a gift we could buy to adequately express our appreciation for teachers.  We are so thankful for you.  I pray teachers feel blessed beyond measure this Christmas season.