Blog | Covenant Christian Academy in Colleyville, TX

Dear Parent of a Special Needs Child: You're Not Alone

Written by Sara Kay Bostic | Apr 21, 2022 1:47:36 PM

April is World Autism Awareness Month.

However, in my family's little world, we are aware of autism every day. We see the grit and determination of a child desperate to communicate and navigate this world. We glimpse small victories unfolding - teensy tiny miracles like combustible sparks. We recognize our precious son is made in our Creator's image.

We look at ministry in an entirely new way. We take note of families we may have once overlooked. We see our daughters' hearts for those with special needs growing. We notice people who desperately need and very much deserve a seat at His table but don’t always have a place card set. We see the world through a new filter.

While I wouldn’t want anyone to have a membership in this new club we’ve joined, I’m thankful to be a part of it because our family’s relationship with the Lord and His children is forever impacted. We have a front-row seat to watch as the Lord works on our son’s behalf in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Recently, I had this privilege yet again when I least deserved it. I was wrestling with the Lord over this autism diagnosis, as I have done many times before. I threw a colossal tantrum in protest and disappointment with the Lord. Some days I forget all about the special needs part of our journey. Other days I wear the weight of it like a suffocating cloak.

I expected to receive some sort of chastisement for my disgraceful behavior. Honestly, it’s what I deserved. Instead, during Moms in Prayer the next day, I received a text from an incredible CCA mom. “Call me.” The Lord’s response to my heartbroken fit the night before was to wake up this precious mom at 5 a.m. with a burden on her heart to honor families in our school community on the special needs journey. Even when I am faithless, He remains faithful. How humbling that God would use this community to be so gracious to me. That’s what makes CCA uncommon because this community is full of uncommon people. Our CCA family has some really amazing members.

I’m in awe that our school functions so much like the body of Christ. This community displays the truth of 1 Corinthians 12 so beautifully, each member serving in their role to accomplish that which God has called us to. It’s an incredible reminder that each of us, including those with special needs, has a significant role in the body of Christ. We are many parts but one body—unity in our diversity that’s uncommon. There is nowhere else I’d rather be on this special needs journey than with our CCA family, who hears His voice and loves so well.

To the moms and dads of children with special needs,

I know it can feel lonely. We question if God hears us or if He sees our children. I’m reminded of Matthew 10:29-31 “What is the price of two sparrows–one copper coin? But not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your Father knowing it. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” You and your child are seen, loved, valued, and honored in our community. We invite all families who steward a life with special needs to join us on April 26th immediately following drop-off in the field across from Jireh to pray over you and your family. We see you. God sees you.  


A Fellow Mom on this Special Parenting Journey with You